cartweel's TTRPG webring

Okay, this is the tiny beginning of a collection of small, independently operated websites of relevance to TTRPG designers.

This webring is maintained by cartweel (visit his website!) using the super simple onionring.js and drawing inspiration from the Low Tech Webring, the Merveilles/XXIIVV webring, and other alternatives to social media-centered web spaces.

What I'm Looking For

The point of this webring is to collect independently run websites of interest to RPG designers, artists, critics, and fans. I am *not* looking to maintain a huge list of Twitter accounts or pages (that just list games). Rather, I'm after blogs, archives, lists, experiments, and bad ideas with strong RPG content. Moderation is up to cartweel's taste and judgement.

How To Join

If you're interested in joining this webring, email cartweel at gmail dot com. You'll be asked to add a chunk of HTML to your website that connects you to the rest of the ring. (The widget appears at the bottom of this page, check it out!)
