This is a collection of things that I, John, think set at the interesting boundary between textile arts and digital spaces and games and other stuff..
You can see some writing I did about the category of virtual textiles here: The Wombat-Jayhoo Scale
A Pico-8 Pattern Generator by Zoyander Street!
Also from Zoyander Street: Cellular Automata create rug patterns!
Systematic Surface Design (T. Christoph, 1980)
dazzlegen by aceslowman A pattern generator used in art as a source of weird semi-random patterns.
SVG Generators for drawing bots!
Clothing Around, A simple rope physics toy using Verlet integration by MrEliptik
ALPACA, Algorithmic Pattern Catalogue (click around, there's a LOT here including two salons!)
TOPLAP, "The home of live coding," which has something to do with textiles, but who knows what (not me, maybe they do!)
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