Cool resources for analog rpg designers

Right now, mostly a list of lists. More to come.

TTRPG Creator Resource Masterpost by Starshine Scribbles

Community Resources by Nick LS Whelan

Licenses, for lack of a different place to put these

Opinionated Queer License v1.1


I'll give these their own page once I've collected enough of them for that to be useful >.<; not necessarily analog-focused but check'em out!

Good Writers Are Perverts

For Publishing

HTML2Print by Open Source Publishing

Zonelets - A simple, free blogging engine for everyone!

DeadLogs - A tool/template for making static blogs and sites.

#MarkdownJam, which I co-hosted with Nate Treme, provides lots of links for anyone trying to get into a streamlined website or epub presentation of their projects. Check it out!

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