john r. harness, designer and curator

Hi! This is the personal website of me, John R. Harness, a.k.a. cartweel. I'm a writer, game designer, independent curator, language creator, art collector, and critic. I'm slowly migrating information from my page, but my goal is for this website to become a place for me to collect and organize my various online projects. Like many people, I am less and less involved in Twitter, but you can still check out my Twitter account if you really want.

I’m well known for #SadMechJam (read more) and for coining the phrase “Lyric Game” (see this list of lyric games). I’m the founder of Knucklebone Magazine.

Check out my TTRPG Resources Page.

My Writing & Other Projects



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Knucklebone Magazine

Oaakys World: